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Defend Your Reputation : If You Don't Like What You See In The Search, How Can You Change It?

You have found this page through Google, others find you through Google, but what will they see when they Google your business name? There are numerous malicious sites on the internet, sites like rip-off report, and even Yelp. You may even have negative reviews on sites like Goggle Places, CitySearch, or TripAdvisor. The fact that you found us means you already have a problem. You know this is affecting your business, with 85% of consumers researching online before buying offline, if you have bad reviews or bad search results your business is suffering whether you know it or not.

You will find many "Reputation Management" companies on this Google page, on many other search terms, and in the media. We are number one on this page because we are better at building reputations online than the people you see below us. We are better because we can get sites to #1, and we can get sites off page 1 of your search results. We also have a more comprehensive approach than the others, they will tell you they can build blogs, or directories, or other sites to "push down" the offending sites, and this works, but what are you left with when people search your name? - fake blog sites and uninformative directory results.

At we will use 15 years of Search Engine Optimization experience to not only push down the bad sites, we will fill the first page of your Google results with glowing testimonials on review sites like,,,, Google Places, and many others. We believe there is no point removing the bad and leaving you with a wasteland of blogs, we remove the bad and replace it with Google results filled with 5 star ratings and reviews that drive new customers to your business.

Visit the experts to manage your reputation

Home       Cease and Desist - Recent Complaints       ABA Litigation Feed       When News Affects Your Case is focused on the legal issues arising from the search. This includes the actions of search engines, the US Congress, and the behavior of attorneys. documents all kinds of bad behavior, especially legal malfeasance.,, Trey Harris, & Reese Boyd III are on our watch list for behaving badly.